How to Stay the Course When Your Poker Strategy Doesn’t Work


Poker is a game of cards where players bet money into a pot. The aim is to make a winning hand of five cards, usually a straight or a flush. Depending on the game rules, some players must place an initial amount of chips into the pot, called ante or blind bets, before the cards are dealt. This is to prevent games from dragging on too long and keep all players slightly invested.

The basic winning strategy in poker is pretty straightforward, and there are plenty of resources available online to help you master it. The hard part is staying the course when this strategy doesn’t deliver the results you’re hoping for. It’s easy to lose your cool and let negative emotions such as anger or frustration sabotage your decision making. This is called poker tilt, and it’s a common cause of poor performance.

One way to avoid this is to always play with a bankroll that you’re comfortable losing. You don’t want to get so invested in the game that you start chasing losses or playing outside your bankroll, as this will quickly put you on the wrong track. Another way is to practice and watch experienced players to develop quick instincts. Observe how they react to certain situations and try to imagine how you’d behave in the same situation, as this will help build your own poker instincts. It’s also a good idea to review previous hands that went well or poorly to understand how you can improve your game.